CERT(Corporate Emergency Response Team Training) |
Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Team training is a necessary tool in saving lives. In every major disaster volunteers emerge to do the initial search, rescue, fire suppression, and first aid. Since such volunteering inevitably takes place, it makes good sense to maximize the results of these efforts through formal training. The Emergency Response Team training program can be an effective first-response to emergencies and the first phase of your business recovery. An Emergency Response Team training program was developed to begin preparing individuals for the overall demands resulting from a major disaster. The topics covered in the course include the following: Day 1 CPR, Automatic External Defibrillator (AED), First Aid, andBloodborne Pathogens will be taught in accordance with the American Heart Association guidelines. Day 2 The day begins with an overview of natural disasters. Personal and family preparedness are given a special emphasis because individuals must feel comfortable about the safety of their family and loved ones if they are forced to function away from home during an emergency. The day continues with basic fire suppression techniques to include size-up, fire chemistry, fire extinguisher types, usage, and utility control. This module also discusses light search and rescue operations, including search techniques, evacuation and rescue methods, principles of mechanical advantage and basic cribbing techniques. Heavy emphasis is placed on recognizing rescue limitations and safety by discussing the dangers of various building construction. Terrorism and the CERT member will be addressed at the close of the day. Day 3 is disaster medical operations with recognition and treatment of life threatening emergencies. Students learn the principles of triage, transportation, and treatment area management. Head-to-toe patient evaluation is taught, along with recognition and treatment of both life threatening, as well as non-life threatening injuries. Cervical collar application and backboarding is demonstrated and practiced. Disaster psychology is also discussed to help the rescuer cope with the emotional environment they will be confronted with. The Incident Command System is taught stressing the need for teamwork, organization and logistical planning. Each team’s role will be outlined, and the chain of command for communications will be emphasized. Team members will learn the components of and how to use the hand held radio. Proper documentation and tracking of findings will also be taught. Day 4 will be a morning of skill labs followed by a simulated disaster exercise. Fire extinguisher skills will be tested by extinguishing REAL FIRES. Search & rescue skills will be demonstrated by locating a victim in a densely fogged room, along with cribbing a heavy object off a victim. Disaster medical skills are demonstrated by triaging moulaged victims. In a simulated disaster exercise using the Incident Command System, participants will be required to apply the individual principles they have learned to the overall demands of a simulated disaster. This class will dramatize the multi-functional training approach, as well as promote team reliance. Teams are established and sent out to search, triage, treat and transport victims to a medical treatment area. Fire teams will take care of utilities and simulated fire problems. An Emergency Director will maintain communication and safety of the teams. The modules can be tailored to meet your needs and schedules. The complete training is 24 hours. Obviously, training cannot be a one-time job. Awareness, commitment, and skills must be repeatedly practiced to maintain the edge necessary for the greatest level of response. Aside from the Emergency Response Team members, all employees should be oriented to the Emergency Preparedness and Response Team Program, which should include disaster drills. Every 6 months, an 8 hour refresher drill is highly recommended
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